In the person of Jesus, we meet God. Or more specifically, the second person of the eternal Triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Jesus, the one through whom the universe was made, clothed Himself in humanity to embark upon the next stage of his love-fuelled mission to save the world from the far-reaching ramifications of our rejection of God and His wisdom.

As a Jewish rabbi (teacher), Jesus showed His disciples (apprentices) and now us, who God is through His life and teachings. He also modelled what it means to truly be human, living a righteous life in vibrant, trusting relationship with the Father by the Holy Spirit. Put simply, He showed us what love for God and neighbour looks like.

Jesus displayed this love most profoundly when He willingly died to pay the debt incurred by our rebellion and failures (sin), which separated us from God, and consequently, from everlasting life with Him. But He didn’t stay dead. He rose to eternal life and appeared to many witnesses before ascending to heaven!

Through this death-defeating act of love, Jesus made a way for all who would put their trust in Him to be forgiven, reconciled to God, and therefore live forever in the promised renewed creation – the fullness of the Kingdom of God - where evil in all its forms and manifestations are no more.